Can Obsidian Go In Water? Here’s The Astounding Truth


No worries; I will help you properly care for your crystal! Can Obsidian go in water? I’ll share the answer to this question. On top of that, I will also share why you would even want to put a crystal in the water, if Obsidian can go in salt water, and more! Keep reading for the answers. 

What Is Obsidian? 

Obsidian is a Obsidian is formed from cooled lava, and is thus a type of glass. It is typically black in coloration, but can also be dark brown, dark green, or a deep blue. It is very hard and brittle, with a conchoidal fracture pattern. This means that when it is broken, it does so in curved, concave surfaces. It can be very sharp when broken, and was used historically to make knives and arrowheads.

It has a vitreous luster, meaning it is shiny and glass-like. It is non-porous and has a very low water absorption rate. This makes it useful for making objects that will be exposed to water, as it will not absorb and swell like other materials.

It has a Mohs hardness of 5-6, meaning it can be scratched by materials of a similar hardness (such as quartz) but will scratch materials of a lower hardness (such as calcite).

It is chemically resistant, and thus can be used in environments where other materials would degrade. It is also heat resistant, and can be used for cooking or in other high-heat applications.

It has a relatively high melting point, meaning it can be used in jewelry applications where it would need to be heated in order to be shaped. However, it is also susceptible to thermal shock, meaning it can break if exposed to sudden changes in temperature.

Overall, obsidian is a very useful material with a wide range of applications. Its hardness, chemical resistance, and heat resistance make it ideal for a variety of industrial and commercial uses.. 

But can Obsidian go in water? Let me dive right into it!

Can Obsidian Go In Water? 

A Obsidian has a Mohs Hardness of 5 – 6. A stone less than 6 is considered a “soft” stone.
The Mohs Hardness scale indicates scratch resistance
and durability. It’s often used to decide whether a stone
should or shouldn’t come in contact with water.

In this case, it means that the stone is moderately soft so you have to be careful with it.. 

Based on this, Obsidian can Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed from the rapid cooling of magma or lava. It is an extremely hard and durable material that can be found in various colors, including black, brown, green, blue, purple and red. Its hardness makes it popular for use in jewelry and decorative objects. But one of the most interesting aspects of obsidian is its ability to survive underwater.

Underwater obsidian has been used for centuries as a tool for fishing and hunting as well as for decorative purposes. It is believed to have been used by ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Maya and Inca to make knives and arrowheads. Although obsidian loses its sharp edges underwater due to the erosion caused by water pressure over time, it still remains extremely hard and durable even after being submerged in water for long periods of time.

The reason why obsidian can survive underwater is because it does not contain any air bubbles or other materials that could cause it to corrode or dissolve when exposed to water. This property makes it ideal for use in environments where corrosion would otherwise occur such as near saltwater or acidic environments. Additionally, since obsidian does not absorb water like other stones do, it can be used under any conditions without fear of damage or deterioration from moisture or humidity levels.

Overall, obsidian is an incredibly resilient material that can withstand extreme temperatures and conditions both on land and underwater making it an ideal choice for many different applications ranging from jewelry to tools used in fishing and hunting activities.. 

Will Obsidian Dissolve In Water?

A Obsidian will No, Amazonite is not water soluble and will not dissolve in water.. 

Why Would You Put Obsidian In Water?

So, why would you even put Obsidian in water? Putting your stone in the water might feel wrong to many people because it’s not something they are familiar with. However, it’s fairly common in healing circles. 

Gemstones have powerful properties, but over time, their ability to hold bad energy weakens and so they need to get recharged in order to benefit from their healing properties. The more you use your Obsidian, the more it needs to be cleansed in order to remove the negative energy it collected over the months.

But, why exactly does water enhance the power of Obsidian? Water is an amazing source of healing and has the power to revive even the most used stones! Stones also have their own energy field that needs to be recharged (just like us)….so putting them in water for a soak is an excellent way to return them stones to life!

Can Obsidian Go In Salt Water? 

No, obsidian should not be placed in salt water.. 

Can Obsidian Go In Himalayan Salt?

Yes, obsidian can be placed in Himalayan salt..

Can Obsidian Go In Moon Water? 

No, it is not recommended to put gemstones in moon water. Gemstones should be cleansed with soft cloth and warm water..

Can Obsidian Go With You In The Shower Or A Bath?

No, you should not take a bath or shower with obsidian. Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that can be brittle and fragile. It may also contain sharp edges, so it can cause cuts and abrasions if you come into contact with it..

The Best Way To Cleanse Obsidian

It’s best to cleanse a Obsidian. Follow these quick steps:


1. Place the obsidian crystal in a bowl of sea salt or Himalayan pink salt for 24 hours. The salt will help to draw out any negative energy and vibrations from the crystal.

2. After 24 hours, rinse the crystal off with warm water and place it in direct sunlight for a few hours to further cleanse it. You can also use moonlight if you prefer.

3. Finally, smudge the crystal with sage or palo santo smoke to clear away any remaining negative energy or vibrations.

For more information on cleansing your Obsidian, make sure to read this guide. 

The Best Way To Charge Obsidian

It’s best to charge a Obsidian now and then. Follow these quick steps:

1. Connect the Obsidian to a USB port using the included cable.

2. Wait until the LED light turns solid, indicating that it is charging. Depending on your device, the LED may turn off when the device is fully charged.

3. When finished charging, unplug your Obsidian from the power source and enjoy!

For more information on charging your Obsidian, make sure to read this guide. 

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