Can Rhodonite Go In Water? Here’s The Astounding Truth
Rhodonite is a beautiful and captivating mineral, but does it hold up to water exposure? Before you try to add rhodonite to your water feature, read on to learn more about this unique stone and all the answers you need to know when it comes to water. From best practices to potential risks, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision.
No worries; I will help you properly care for your crystal! Can Rhodonite go in water? I’ll share the answer to this question. On top of that, I will also share why you would even want to put a crystal in the water, if Rhodonite can go in salt water, and more! Keep reading for the answers.
What Is Rhodonite?
Rhodonite is a beautiful pink stone with black veins running through it. It is in several locations worldwide, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Rhodonite has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5, making it a relatively soft stone. It has a vitreous luster and a conchoidal fracture. Rhodonite is a member of the pyroxenoid group of minerals, including pyroxene, amphibole, and olivine.
Rhodonite is used in various jewelry applications, including beads, cabochons, and pendants. It is also used in carving and as an ornamental stone. Rhodonite is said to have a number of metaphysical properties, including promoting self-confidence and self-esteem, balancing emotions, and relieving anxiety.
But can Rhodonite go in water? Let me dive right into it!

Can Rhodonite Go In Water?
The short answer is no – you should not put rhodonite in water because it may dissolve over time due to its porous nature. Even if your rhodonite does not immediately dissolve in water, prolonged exposure could eventually break down the mineral’s structure and render it useless for decorative purposes or healing benefits.
While there are certain types of stones (such as quartz) that do well when exposed to running water, this isn’t true for all stones – especially soft ones like rhodonite!
A Rhodonite has a Mohs Hardness of 5.5 – 6.5. A stone less than 6 is considered a “soft” stone. The Mohs Hardness scale indicates scratch resistance and durability. It’s often used to decide whether a stone should or shouldn’t come in contact with water.
In this case, it means that the stone is moderately soft, so you have to be careful with it.
Will Rhodonite Dissolve In Water?
Rhodonite is not expected to dissolve in water. However, it shouldn’t be exposed to water or be in the water for a long time.
Why Would You Put Rhodonite In Water?
So, why would you even put Rhodonite in water? Putting your stone in the water might feel wrong to many people because it’s not something they are familiar with. However, it’s fairly common in healing circles.
Gemstones have potent properties, but over time, their ability to hold bad energy weakens, so they need to get recharged to benefit from their healing properties. The more you use your Rhodonite, the more it needs to be cleaned to remove the negative energy collected over the months.
But why exactly does water enhance the power of Rhodonite? Water is a fantastic source of healing and has the power to revive even the most used stones! Stones also have their own energy field that needs to be recharged (just like us)….so putting them in water for a soak is an excellent way to return them stones to life!
Can Rhodonite Go In Salt Water?
The same rule applies here: do not put your rhodonite in salt water! Saltwater can corrode many different types of stones quickly due to its high salinity levels, even more so than regular freshwater will. So unless you want your beautiful piece of jewelry or home decor item ruined beyond repair by salty seaside air, avoid exposing your rhodonites here too!
Can Rhodonite Go In Himalayan Salt Or Moon Water?
Just like any other type of water-based solution containing salt ions, such as seawater or Himalayan pink rock salt lamps, moon water (which is made up mostly of distilled water but with added essential oils) should be avoided at all costs when dealing with delicate minerals like these. Not only would these solutions cause harm due to their high levels of pH balance, but they could also compromise the integrity of your precious gemstones over time.
Therefore, if you’re looking for ways to add a touch of sparkle into these solutions safely, then opt instead for non-porous gems such as citrine, which are much better suited for surviving wet environments without compromising their structural quality!
Can Rhodonite Go With You In The Shower Or A Bath?
No, taking a bath or showering with rhodonite is not advisable. Rhodonite is a semi-precious gemstone that can be damaged by water and other elements.

The Best Way To Cleanse Rhodonite
It’s best to cleanse a Rhodonite. Follow these quick steps:
- Begin by smudging your rhodonite with sage or another herb of your choice. This will remove any negative energy associated with the crystal.
- Place your rhodonite in natural sunlight for a few hours to allow the sun’s rays to cleanse and recharge the stone.
- Place your rhodonite in a bowl of sea salt for 24 hours to draw out any negative energy from the stone and surrounding area.
- Finally, rinse off your rhodonite under running water and dry it off with a soft cloth before using it again.
For more information on cleansing your Rhodonite, make sure to read this guide.
The Best Way To Charge Rhodonite
It’s best to charge a Rhodonite now and then. Follow these quick steps:
Rhodonite is a type of healing crystal, so it does not need to be charged like a battery or other device. The best way to “charge” rhodonite is to cleanse and energize it. You can do this by placing the crystal in a bowl of salt water for 24 hours, then rinse it with fresh water. You can also place the crystal outside during the full moon to absorb its energy or bury it in the ground for 24 hours.
For more information on charging your Rhodonite, make sure to read this guide.
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